About Our Trust
Providing excellence in education
The Salterns Academy Trust provides an excellent education for every student in each school within the trust, remaining centred in the heart of its community. The Trust operates two academies for students aged 11-16 and one for students age 5-16 in the North Island area of Portsmouth. Mayfield School, Admiral Lord Nelson School and Trafalgar School have a combined student roll of over 3500 students.
Our Vision
We will provide an excellent and inclusive educational experience that prepares our students for the world of tomorrow.
The Trust aims to deliver this vision for all young people in its schools. The Trust has identified the values which will underpin, focus and shape all the work that we do. Each year these will help us determine the strategic priorities which will drive this work forwards.
The Trust has developed a three year improvement plan – based on the DFE Trust quality descriptions.
High quality and inclusive education
Trust Inclusion Group begins development of trust’s Additional Provision curriculum offer. Trust Quality of Education group focuses on securing improvement in Maths and English attainment at KS2 & KS4 and in phonics at KS1. Attainment and attendance gaps close for key groups of students. Trust curriculum collaboration in Science and English is led by new Trust Directors. Trust data group establishes common practices and begins to improve data reporting and analysis at school and trust level. Attendance strategy improves attendance of 85-90% group and reduces persistent absence figure.
School improvement
Trust develops a clear strategy for school improvement. Mayfield School rapidly improves through high quality recruitment and intensive trust support. T&L is further strengthened at ALNS & TS. Language Hub thrives and TS continue to lead RRP locally, exemplifying culture of collaboration and excellence in our Trust. Partnership arrangements with other trusts provide external quality assurance and leadership development opportunities.
People development
HR digital solution procurement and implementation programme undertaken. Central Trust HR and IT teams established. Central Finance team evolves to meet the needs of three schools. People Strategy devised collaboratively with leaders and informed by stakeholders’ feedback. Collaboration within trust and beyond continues to support staff aspirations for high quality professional development opportunities at all career stages. School and trust leaders maintain a keen focus on workload and wellbeing of staff.
Finance and Operations
3-year budget strategy in place, which includes a full staffing restructure at Mayfield School. Trust financial software supports improved quality of financial reporting. Central IT team ensures the rapid upgrade of Mayfield digital environment and delivers year 1 targets of ambitious trust digital strategy including shift to the cloud, migration to Microsoft and creation of the trust domain. Capital strategy reviews all school environments to ensure they are safe, well-maintained and support the trusts developing vision for excellent, inclusive education. Expansion planning for Trafalgar School is underway.
Governance and leadership
Revised values, vision and strategy in place for Trust as it becomes a Trust of 3 schools that is shared and understood by leaders across the Trust. Newly formed governance for Mayfield school supports rapid improvement. Succession planning and governance renewal becomes a planned feature of governance leadership. Engagement with training increases with an increased focus on trustees’ development. Clarity of roles and responsibilities prevents workload duplication. Feedback surveys support governance development planning on annual strategy day. Stakeholder engagement plan in place.
Our Values
Salterns Academy Trust
Inclusive and student-centered
High ambition for all
Curriculum excellence
Promoting wellbeing
Community and collaboration
Continuous improvement
Professional development
Trafalgar School
Admiral Lord Nelson School
High expectations
Mayfield School
The principles of the Unicef Rights Respecting Schools programme are embedded within our schools:
Trafalgar School
Admiral Lord Nelson School
Mayfield School